MK Evo displays the Italian colours at Tigellabella!
5 February 2019
The innovative Italian fooding concept

Moneyline installs the MK Evo
A digital kiosk allows Tigellabella’s customers to order and pay for their meals autonomously by card using a software interface developed in collaboration with Innovorder. This is not just a new customer experience; here the MK Evo functions as an additional point of sale thus reducing waiting times and optimising order-taking during peak periods.
Unusual sandwiches…
“Tigelle”, thin round breads dating back to ancient Rome, are back in fashion. The Tigellabella concept is a new way to look at fooding that applies a typically and uniquely Italian concept: “Fa’Casuale*”.
The Tigellona are prepared to carefully use selected traditional Italian ingredients to guarantee their great taste.
There’s no particular time of the day for a Tigellona, they are ideal whenever you fancy a snack… in the evenings Tigellabella transforms into the Aperitivo and the Dolce Vita continues.
* “Fa’Casuale”, is above all a way of life, a way to appreciate food, a certain atmosphere… Italian-style conviviality… Because Italy is more than just Panini, Parma ham and Mozzarella…

Discover our self service digital payment kiosk – MK Evo >
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