Digitalization and redefinition of commerce
at the time of festive promotions

A few days before the end of the year celebrations, you can decide, like some shopkeepers, to decorate your windows with superb illustrations hand painted by local artists. Why not? Although ephemeral, the result is often breathtaking and the WAOW effect guaranteed.

However, it will not have escaped your attention that the global pandemic has largely and permanently changed consumer habits and sales methods. Less window-shopping, a frantic craze for e-commerce and Click and Collect, an accelerated and all-out digitalization within the mass-market retailers as well as the small shops. A paradigm shift that calls for reflection, agility and above all adaptation.


Recapture the atmosphere of the holidays, the taste of giving and put a smile back on the faces of people who shun retail outlets, by immersing them in a shopping experience that is much more pleasant than in front of a screen. It’s now or never time to make your point of sale more scenic.

State of the trade with professionals from 22 countries (Europe, Asia, United States)

It is clear that digitalization and diversification of sales channels are no longer alternatives but a necessity.

According to this study, while 25% of sales professionals are thinking of increasing their investments in traditional media, 62% are ready to redirect their advertising budgets to digital media.

If you haven’t already done so, we invite you to read the results of the results of the Global Commerce Observatory 2021 study conducted by Havas in collaboration with Paris Retail Week.


The main issues for trade players

Competition is fierce with giant discounters such as Amazon, Lidl and Aldi to name a few. To succeed, nothing should be left to chance and there are many key elements to integrate into your strategy and to respect.

  • Competitive prices
    Adaptability to the market and consumer requirements
    Customer experience
    Data optimization
    Speed of execution and delivery
    Eco-responsibility (local consumption, organic, environmentally friendly products)
  • Flexibilité
  • Expérience client
  • Optimisation de la data
  • Rapidité d’exécution et de livraison
  • Eco-responsabilité (consommer local, bio, produits respectueux de l’environnement)

Commerce reinvents itself at the cost of major digital transformations

The study also confirms that retail players have invested massively in the digitalization of points of sale.

of respondents to reduce points of contact with infected surfaces and facilitate in-store shopping

report that customers are using contactless payment solutions more. A solution that has spread as quickly as Covid. Industry professionals have increased their investments in contactless.éclarent que les clients utilisent davantage les solutions de paiement sans contact. 52% of them to make in-store purchases more fluid.

A digitalization not only under the sign of modernity but also for the benefit of the :

  • Securing the consumer’s in-store experience
  • Smoothness of the shopping experience

Reinventing the window shopping and in-store experience

How to seduce and surprise consumers to make them want to go shopping?

Make the shopping trip a memorable experience, for pleasure and entertainment. Because, no matter what people say, it will always be more pleasant to see, touch, try on a piece of clothing or a product test before buying it, rather than ordering it online.

How to cultivate and reinforce their commitment to your brand, your products, your values?

Here are a few tips:

  • QR codes on visuals to engage the visitor to participate in a contest, collect data, boost visits to your website
  • Happenings (animations, promotions, coupons) initiated on social media and via cell phones to bring customers into the store
  • Digital signage (kiosks, screens, totems) to showcase your products and communicate your brand

And for the actors of the trade, to feed on innovation and new technologies to create and maintain the link with the consumer-actor visitor. A story of trust, authenticity and love, in short!

What about you? How do you see the future of your business? commerce ?

Discover the Besson Chaussures case, an example of what we can do for your brand.



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