To improve the reception within your leisure base while helping your staff in their daily tasks, it is possible to install an Iagona digital terminal to compensate for the high influx of visitors.
Making your campsite more dynamic is essential to improve its visibility and its attractiveness. Offering an unmissable experience to your visitors ensures you a better notoriety.
When you subscribe to a regional bank and go on a trip, the so-called “misplaced” cheque remittances allow your cheques to end up in the right place in spite of where they were deposited. With Iagona’s digital solutions, displaced cheque remittances has never been easier ! Discover how
As a conservator, your goal is not to spend a crazy amount of money on a “quick fix” that will pay for itself in the long run. You need a quick, inexpensive and space-saving solution.
Avec l’âge, la mobilité diminue et une part importante de personnes âgées est contrainte à une certaine passivité. Les activités se raréfient et la télévision s’avère devenir le principal loisir.
Museums, cinemas, stadiums, amusement parks, theaters, concert halls, etc. All these establishments that welcome the public during sporting and cultural events must be equipped with high-performance ticketing terminals to limit queues.
The digitization of the town hall will improve the services offered to the citizens because it will allow to manage important flows of visitors, it will allow an increased availability on extended schedules without increasing the number of agents on duty.
After the first quarter of 2019, the global advertising market seems to be evolving well, although slightly down compared to 2018. Indeed, the latter should grow by 4.3% by the end of the year and weigh US$616 billion, compared to 5.4% in 2018.
Public transportation, fast food restaurants, cafés, shopping malls, points of sale, health places… Today, Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) is more and more widespread in public places and omnipresent in our daily lives.