FNAC installs the MK 1250 ticket withdrawal terminal from Moneyline
Our expertise focused on your needs

Ticket withdrawal machines

The challenge
Reduce customer waiting times
Tickets ordered on FNAC.COM can be either sent to the customer or picked up from a store. France Billet (a 100% FNAC subsidiary, with more than 1,200 points of sale/pick-up) decided to install ticket withdrawal machines in their shops to reduce customer waiting times and relieve their staffed counters.

The Moneyline solution
MK 1250 terminal
Iagona has designed and industrialized a terminal to meet the constraints of France Billet driven by a withdrawal application based on France Billet web service. The withdrawal of tickets is done after reading the 2D barcode communicated when ordering. Tickets are printed and delivered to the customer in seconds. Moneyline ensures the deployment in FNAC stores, on-site hardware maintenance, software maintenance and terminal remote management.
“Moneyline was able to develop a complete operational solution in less than 3 months. After 3 months of tests in 2 FNAC outlets, we decided to deploy 60 terminals in 35 outlets accross France and Switzerland and to propose this solution to the whole of our sales network.”
FNAC Group