MK Med
Digital admissions management terminal

Digitise your healthcare establishment
Enter the digital age with the Iagona MK Med admissions management terminal. Go for a solution that will be elegant, innovative and accessible to all.
With the MK Med you can provide high quality service and stay close to your patients. The MK Med has been designed by our experts to make patient admissions in healthcare establishments easier. Patient’s can identify themselves on the admissions terminal using a QR code or identification number that they will have received beforehand.
They can see their status, complete their details, printout pre-admission documents or make payments. With the MK Med digital terminal you will be both up-to-date and efficient. The terminal’s exterior can be customised with the establishment’s visual identity.
A powerful admissions terminal
No more endless queues of patients filling up the reception areas. With this digital admissions management terminal you are opting for rapid patient registration.
Patients can update their social security card, make an appointment, complete their patient-file by scanning documents and print out documents that they will need during their time in the establishment or to ensure they receive their healthcare coverage. The admissions management terminal has a payment module which will allow patients to pay their contributions to their healthcare costs. As a result they can propose the same services as the hospital release desks but with longer opening hours.
Finally, the MK-Med can also guide patients to the various different wards and units via an on-board interactive plan.

A concentrated collection of technological innovations
The MK Med was designed with an optimal choice of modules, a single card reader can read both payment cards and update health card data.
The admissions management terminal has a number of printer modules. An A4 printer to print out administrative documents or invoices. A label printer for patient treatment vouchers. An 80mm printer for numbered waiting line tickets or payment card receipts. A specially designed scanner allows the patient scan both sides of documents required to complete their patient admission file.
Discover MK Med in 3D

Iagona is the leading customer and patient experience digitisation company, their terminals can integrate modules that cover all payment methods, update your health card data and interface with the IT Systems of all healthcare establishments.
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