Which strategy to adopt for the location of your digital signage screens
13 November 2018
The location of a digital signage solution is crucial to ensure its visibility and impact. Here are some tips on how to find the best place to put your screen, depending on the target audience.
Your installation will be different depending on whether you want to place your digital media in a point of sale (store, bank…), information (tourist office) or entertainment (cinema, amusement park…). You will therefore need to place the screen according to the target audience but also according to the location, which can be either a transit area or a waiting area.
Which message for which installation?
In the first case – the transit area – you will have little time to “challenge” the audience, since it is in motion. The message should therefore be short and the location of the screen should be chosen so that it can easily catch the eye: often at the height of the field of vision.
In the case of the waiting area, people waiting will tend to look for entertainment, even unconsciously, and that’s where the dynamic screen comes in. The screen(s) must be placed so that it can be viewed comfortably, facing the spectators. For example, if the audience is seated, the screen should be placed in front of the seats and if possible at eye level.
However, the layout constraints of waiting rooms allow to take some liberties and to place the screens at a slightly higher height. This will be particularly the case if a passage separates the screen from the public. As the display is at a height, the audience will be less disturbed if one or more people move between the seats and the screen.

How to install your digital signage screens?
If the audience is not seated, the screen should be located at a relatively high height, sometimes close to the ceiling, so that all standing people can view it. However, make sure that the height of the screen does not cause the audience to become tired by raising their heads too high.
Tip to locate the location of your screens: stand in the waiting area and see where your eyes naturally go. You can also consult Iagona’s teams, who are used to installing digital signage screens in public places.
Size is not everything
The size of the screen is a very important criterion to take into account. It is decisive for the visibility of the messages: however, the trap would be to think that, systematically, a larger screen will be more easily noticed. However, if the screen is too big, the spectator, located in a zone too close, will have difficulties to decipher the messages.
The ideal is to study the space in which one wishes to place the screen in order to make sure that the recoil will be sufficient so that the screen has a real impact and does not generate visual discomfort. Therefore, a larger screen will work best outdoors or in large indoor spaces with high ceilings.
In an interior space, the screen must be in the public’s field of vision as it enters the premises. Ideally, no decorative element should surround the screen, in order not to disturb the glance.
All in all, it’s not so difficult to place a digital signage screen properly: using common sense and taking care of the messages will make all the difference.

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