Recommendation for cleaning the digital terminals

Faced with the COVID-19 epidemic, we recommend that you regularly clean your digital terminals.

ATMs, digital reception or payment terminals secure your customers because they guarantee their transactions without human intervention. In order to protect your customers and employees, it is essential to ensure impeccable hygiene and cleanliness of the surfaces in contact with the public. OMS recommends cleaning after each use whenever possible.

We have approached our screen and payment terminal suppliers to provide you with the most suitable cleaning and disinfection procedures.

However, we draw your attention to the fact that the disinfection procedure must be repeated after each use. At present, there is no chemical protection that guarantees permanent protection against contamination.
In addition, the cleaning and disinfection procedures detailed below warn that it is not recommended to spray chemicals directly onto contaminated surfaces but to use single-use cloths or wipes.

NB: The products listed in reference are commonly used products, available in France on a self-service basis or through professional networks.

Warning Notice

Under no circumstances should you use the following products to clean or disinfect bank machines or digital payment or reception terminals:

  • Isopropyl alcohol at a concentration > 70%. 
  • Methyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol at a concentration > 35 
  • Thinners or gasoline 
  • Strong alkaline detergents 
  • Strong solvents 
  • Acids 
  • Fluoride detergents 
  • Detergents with an ammonia concentration > 1.6%. 
  • Abrasive cleaners 
  • Detergents with abrasives 
  • Steel wool 
  • Sponges with abrasives 
  • Steel blades 
  • Fabric with steel wire

Screen cleaning

Our screen supplier recommends the following cleaning procedure to protect users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cleaning and disinfection are done in two steps:

  • Cleaning removes dirt, grease, dust and other contaminants.
  • Disinfection is a separate process that uses a chemical designed to destroy bacteria.

Step 1: Screens cleaning

1. To clean the touch screen, turn off the power whenever possible or make sure your on-screen software can tolerate false keys while you are cleaning.

2. Do not allow liquids to enter the device. Do not spray directly on the screen. Instead, use damp disposable wipes, a sprayed cloth, or a damp cloth with excess moisture removed.

3. Choose only non-abrasive cleaning wipes or cloths to avoid scratching the touchscreens.

4. Avoid highly concentrated alcohol (>70%), undiluted bleach, or ammonia solutions, as they may cause discoloration.

5. Wipe the surfaces with suitable wipes or cloths and allow them to dry.

Step 2: Screens disinfection

1. To disinfect the touch screen, turn off the power whenever possible or make sure your on-screen software can tolerate false keys while cleaning.

2. Moisten a new, clean, non-abrasive cloth with a disinfectant from the list below. Make sure that any excess liquid is removed from the cloth. You can also use the pre-moistened wipes recommended for this purpose.

3. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Many manufacturers require the surface to remain wet for a few minutes, which may require continuous wiping until dry.

4. For disinfectant solutions that can be safely used with Elo products, see below.

List of products recommended by the manufacturer that do not cause screen deterioration.

  • Household bleach diluted at 6% (i.e. 6cl of bleach per liter – 4 tablespoons of bleach per liter)
  • Disinfectant products containing an alcoholic mixture ≤ 70% alcohol
  • Disinfecting wipes with a 99.9% bacteria removal rate

NB: Our manufacturer relies on the recommendations of the American agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), detailed here.

Integrated branded payment terminal (POS terminal)

Our payment terminal provider recommends the following cleaning procedure to protect users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The use of specific pre-saturated wipes for disinfection are recommended after each use to disinfect the screen and keyboard of the POS terminal.


  • Do not spray, pour or smear liquid, disinfectant or cleaner directly on the POS terminal.
  • Do not clean the electrical connections.
  • Do not use solvents, detergents or abrasive products as they may damage plastic parts or electrical contacts.
  • Cleaning solutions with alcohol (70% isopropyl solution) may not be used on the plastic panes protecting the screens or on the keys.
  • Avoid excessive wiping that could damage the unit.
  • Do not introduce moisture into the openings and do not use aerosols.
  • Avoid exposing the terminal to direct sunlight.

Note : Although cleaning according to the instructions given above has no impact on the performance or functions of our terminal, very frequent cleaning may alter the aesthetic appearance of certain plastic parts used in our devices.


The referenced products are commonly used products, available on the French territory in self-service or via professional networks.

For technical assistance or help with cleaning or disinfection procedures, please contact us at the following address:

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