Moneyline celebrates its 30th anniversary !
18 June 2018
Happy Birthday
Moneyline’s 30th anniversary

“Moneyline is 30 years old! At a time when everyone talks exclusively about start-ups, what does this mean?
30 years of age means that the company has successfully navigated a number of economic storms, amassed numerous loyal clients, produced quality, provides good service and has been able to count on its own skilled and reliable staff.
30 years means experience, maturity alongside stability always with the same energetic attitude.
30 years is the age of strength, the age of future projects, high ambitions and construction.
We have thirty full years behind us but many more brighter ones to come!
Happy birthday Moneyline and a big thank you to all those who have been a part of making this happen, past present and, of course future!”
Pascal Hermandesse

A few trials before some rest
- Golf initiation
- Kart construction and racing
- Show evening
We wanted to make this day memorable and a source of team spirit.
Agile organisation was the key to success in the various trials. Making the most of the different specialised expertise showed how important teamwork really is.
The kart race was a moment of well humoured intensity. We finished this intense day with an enjoyable meal and spectacular show !

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